Reshaping Bias and Racism Education


Black women are 3-4 times more likely to die during pregnancy, birth, or after birth than white women.

Approximately 80% of maternal deaths are preventable.

It’s estimated that 40-60% of deaths occur within the first postpartum year.

Why Now?

I could not continue to witness these statistics and do nothing. The urgency to act was clear. 

“If you’re not part of the solution, the ball is still in your court.”  Dr. J

Dr. Janet Williams, MSM, CNM


I am a black midwife with two decades of experience and the visionary behind the "B.L.A.C.K. Mothers Interrupted® Framework," which was born from the need to provide systematic and comprehensive bias and racism education to maternal healthcare professionals. This unique framework facilitates the creation of impactful education presentations. It guides lessons beyond basic education, aiming to foster a deeper understanding and unwavering commitment among healthcare professionals in addressing bias and racism within maternal health.

Introducing the B.L.A.C.K. Mothers Interrupted® Framework

Embark on a journey of empowerment and change with our proprietary B.L.A.C.K. Mothers Interrupted® Framework. As a black midwife with over two decades of experience, I've witnessed the need for a new revolutionary approach to bias and racism education in maternal health.


Charting a New Course in Education

Using our innovative tool redefines how we will approach the challenging topics of bias and racism. This isn't just education; it's a transformative experience designed to make these crucial concepts more digestible and accessible.

What Sets Us Apart:

Holistic Learning

Our framework offers a comprehensive approach, delving into the complexities of bias and racism education in maternal health.

Innovation in Education

Our cutting-edge tool makes these challenging topics more approachable for a meaningful and transformative understanding.


Join us in reshaping bias and racism education to empower individuals and contribute to positive change.

Engage with Our Framework


Explore the B.L.A.C.K. Mothers Interrupted® Framework and be part of a movement that transcends traditional education. Let's chart a new course for sharing and understanding the results of bias and racism and the need for empathy, self-assessment, and transformative systemic changes together.

Unlock Transformation: Join This Interactive Workshop Series

The Experience: 

Embark on the journey in our five-week interactive workshop series, where you will be immersed in a dynamic learning experience designed to reshape your understanding of presenting information about bias and racism in maternal health.


What to Expect:

  • Engaging Sessions: Dive deep into discussions, activities, and insights, fostering an interactive and dynamic learning environment.
  • Expert Guidance: Benefit from the expertise of the Framework creator, a midwife with over two decades of experience.
  • Transformative Tools: Utilize innovative resources to make challenging topics more accessible and applicable to real-world scenarios.

Why Attend:

Holistic Learning: Gain a comprehensive understanding of bias and racism in maternal health.

Empowerment: Equip yourself with the knowledge and tools to contribute to positive change.

Community: Connect with like-minded individuals and be part of a movement towards transformative education.

Secure you spot now for there are limited spaces available

The next 5-week cohort starts soon! 

Price $997.00