B.L.A.C.K. Mothers Interrupted
A Five Part Framework to Decrease Maternal Mortality
Bias Training has been missing in health organizations until recently, but is now becoming a mandatory course. This course is designed to raise your awareness about a problem that is pervasive in the U.S. Women are dying at a rate higher than in any other industrialized nation. When you take a closer look it gets even worse. Did you know that Black Women are 3-4 times more likely to die during pregnancy, childbirth or within the year afterward than their white counterparts?
This framework was designed for health professionals who will be caring for maternal health clients. Organizations are being held accountable to ensure their staff has this information, and have skills necessary to recognize and combat implicit bias that affects care delivered to mothers and their families.

Disclaimer: Information discussed during consultation is for informational purposes only, it does not constitute medical care. It seeks to increase your knowledge of the options that are available with factual information. You must speak with your health care provider.